Process Engineering Design of Tobacco wastes Incinerator with Utilization of Heat Energy from Combustion Gases |
Paper ID : 1071-ICEE (R1) |
Authors: |
Amr Abdelghany *1, Asmaa Elmansy2, Nabil Abdelmonem2, Ahmed Shaaban3 1Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University 2Chemical Engineering Department, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt 3Department of Chemical Engineering and Pilot Plant, National Research Centre (NRC), Egypt |
Abstract: |
An integrated incineration unit was developed to handle tobacco waste within a processing plant in the Eastern Company, Egypt. In addition to the unit, subsequent utilization of the heat content of combustion gases was investigated. The incinerator design was tailored around the current process of solid waste combustion within the tobacco processing plants of the Eastern Company in 6th October City, Egypt. A feeding rate of 1 ton/hr of solid waste consisted of 50% mass of tobacco, 20% paper, and cartons, 20% wooden boxes, and 10% plastics. The remaining ash after the incineration process would not exceed 5% of the feedstock volume. The overall material and energy balances were calculated based on a 25490 kg/hr combustion gas discharge with a heat content of 20.09 Gj/hr. Energy from flue gases would be utilized to generate saturated steam or produce hot water. The design included a fired-tube boiler capable of generating 7 ton/hr saturated steam at 185 ºC and 10 bar. The temperature of the exhaust effluent combustion gases vented into the atmosphere had to stand at 200 ºC to avoid penalties. Moreover, this effluent temperature is considered to be effective and efficient utilization of the heat content in the waste. |
Keywords: |
Tobacco, Solid Waste, Incineration, Fire-tube boiler, Heat Exchanger |
Status : Paper Accepted |